13 October 2009

hepi belated birthday to me...

yess..yesterday is my birthday(if u all notice..my luv punye selang seminggu je ngan i..)...i'm 26 rite now.. n i hav nothing....i only hav..myvi yg sgt standard itu.. i just hav a bunch of financial probs...n some personal problem..yg i sdr taktau mcm mane nk resolve kan....birthday i tahun ni disambut spt tahun2 lalu...dgn disambut dgn kesedihan...wpun ngan org baru dlm idup i...i tak salahkan u syg.. i paham keadaan u..cume nape i selalu kene mcm ni....

ohh GOD please do help me.......i dunt know what to do anymore.....plss show me the way.....