26 August 2009

Sorry Guys...I'm Wrong Again..PArt II

yup...uols...i sekarang sedang berbahagia..di atas kesedihan org laen...

bukan tak penah terdetik dlm hati i...kesian pade bestfren i tu...mesti die sedang derite..kene tinggal ngan boifren....

honestly... i penah tny john....is he really in love wit my bestfren...kalau cinta..then i akan back-off....tapi die kate die tak cintakan bestfren i tu...

die kapel pun ngan my bestfren tu..sbb die takde sesape pun at that time...

huh..sgt la complicated....tak tau care mcm mane i nk bgtau mybest fren tu...yg i dh falling in lov ngan boipren die...huhu..anyhow...i'm gonna losing her....

dlm mase sekarang ni jugek i'm trying to be fren wit john's other ex-gelfren...

yg ex-gelfren die ni tau about us...semlm this b**** wat perangai...she's miscalling john million times...utk ape kan?.....rupenyer die nk no phone mybestfren tu..utk ape...aww...sh**...if mybestfren tu tau about me n john dr mulut that b****...harus la kene penampar ngan i....

btul la kate org...selagi kite maseh bernyawe di atas muke bumi ni..takkan abis dugaan n ujian yg akan DIA turunkan utk hamba-Nya....huhu aku redhaaaa.....

***huhuhu..i just got a few txt from my bestfren..n 1 txt die yg paling terkesan di hati i ialah..i ask her..adekah die marah ngan gerl..yg rampas boipren die tu...die reply.."watpe nk marah..tp kalau org tu aku kenal sgt2, mmg smpi mati aku tak maafkan"...OMG...i am really gonna losing her.....i'm so sorrryyyyy......